Tuesday, August 31, 2010


School has begun and the summer coming to a close...but doesn't mean that the fun has to end!! Here are some great things coming up in September so put them in your calendars, alarm your phones, and stick post-it notes on your foreheads for these great activities and events!!!

First of all, take a minute to check out your respective class calendars on the side and make sure that you come to them--it is always more fun when everyone comes!!!

SATURDAY SEPT. 4th @ 9 AM-- Laural/Mom Breakfast at Sister Jones' home. Don't want to miss it!!

SATURDAY SEPT. 11 @ TBA--Temple Trip--make sure you have your recommends to come!

SUNDAY SEPT. 18 @ 5 PM--Fireside (who, what, and where? No worries...it'll be GREAT!!)

SATURDAY SEPT. 18 @7:30 PM- Region Dance --ages 14 and up invited

WEDNESDAY SEPT. 22 @ 7 PM-- Personal Progress night with our new Personal Progress leader, Mindy Kuykendall. Gonna be awesome so come prepared!!

**DON'T FORGET THE BOOK OF MORMON CHALLENGE** Yeah you heard me right! We were all challenged to read the Book of Mormon in 30 days. How awesome is that?! I triple dog dare all of you to take on that challenge and see how it will change your life! You will never regret it!! Or if you want to go for the Super-duper-ooper-shmooper COOL CHALLENGE then read it THREE TIMES in in 90 days (Bring it on!!) Any of you willing to take on either of these challenges...let your leaders know. :)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Things will be great when you're downtown!

The Mia Maids had a blast going downtown! We went to the visitors center and took lots of fun pictures of the beautiful flowers and, of course, ourselves! And an activity is not complete without cookies! We missed those who weren't there and hope you can join us next time.